Official Efkolos Announcements & News

News -> 2024 -> April -> Post ID: b9c92da4-0580-11ef-9a25-560004d7f203

Dual BGP Paths Fully Live

The Initial Build

We are very please to announce that we have completed getting our second BGP upstream peer all active both peers are multi-gig service with extremely stable links. We will be working very hard over the month of May to add a p2p link from our main root site into the DataFoundry Datacenter in Austin as our next integegrated POP location. With that built, active, and live, we will be able to offer even more backhaul DIA fiber service to downstream clients who need or want highend internet for their WISP/FISP, Small business, medium business, rural hospital, or rural utility sites.

The Next Step

With the help of several WISPs and FISPs across Texas helping us identify the major exchanges in each of the 14 regional locations we have chosen and now that our initial build with our root and our AS network is built, up, and live, we're not wasting any time and moving on to the next step.

We have worked tirelessly over 1st quarter making conact at all 14 sites to fire up transit services between sites where we will have our own core routers stacked in order build a very high end and specifically tuned fiber backbone to be able to offer DIA Fiber circuits to other small Texas ISPs, WISPs, and FISPs.

We will be starting to work on and build the next phase of our project in the 2nd week of July after the fourth and hope to complete getting all 14 sites up and live and all p2p's activated and working by end of year 2025. Why 14 sites? No real special reason, other than a /28 has 14 usable IP's, so all our core routers will share a /28 network for inter-network communication. Roughly we hope to complete one site every month.

The order in which we roll out these sites may change, but as of right now, the order is as follows:

  1. New Braunfels (Partially live) (Uplink Spectrum)
  2. Austin (Partially live) (DataFoundry)
  3. San Antonio (Hurricane Electric)
  4. Waco (AT&T)
  5. Dallas (Partially live) (Vultr)
  6. Houston (Cogent)
  7. Corpus Christi (Verizon)
  8. South Padre (Windstream)
  9. Laredo (VGI)
  10. San Angelo (Vexus)
  11. Lubbock (Optium)
  12. Wichita Falls (NTT)
  13. Armarillo (CenturyLink)
  14. Scroggins (Fiberlight)
  15. Each one of our regional pops will contain a dual core routers, one dedicated to our private WAN and the other will upstream link to the datacenter we're colocating in within any given region. We plan on having 14 total upstream peers and all our regional POPs interlinked and roughly represented below. Once we get all 14 POP locations hot and live we are going to go thru with our own private fiber crew and start laying our own private fiber for all 22 runs totalling right around 10,000 km of fiber.
    (Not all fiberline placements maybe 100% accurate)(Click the map below to enlarge it).

About Efkolos

We are an IT, internet, and hosting services company. We also offer coding and programming services. Efkolos is based out of New Braunfels, TX in the USA, established Nov. 1st, 2016